Monday, May 29, 2006

Candy: more is never enough

Saw Candy by Neil Armfield tonight. Addiction is always needing just one more, despite the best of intentions. It is no accident that sin is often called an addiction. So sweet, so ephemeral, so now: but rots your teeth.


michael jensen said...

This wasthe theme of Lord of the Rings of course. It had to be written by a smoker. Only he could understand Gollum.

Hey Byron, why don't you give us some back up on Limited Atonement over on Mandy's site?


byron smith said...

For everyone other than MPJ: Mandy's blog has a discussion of limited atonement.

For MPJ: I though you were giving me back up, since I was first to respond... I'll try saying something more this afternoon.

But back to my blog...
Gollum as addicted to the ring - nice.

Drew said...

Edmund and turkish delight in Lion, Witch and Wardrobe...

"sweet the sin, bitter the taste in my mouth"

Anonymous said...

Hello, Byron.

byron smith said...

Drew, yeah, turkish delight is my kind of addiction - and a little less socially destructive than heroin.

Anyway, not to give anything away for those who might go and see Candy (and I'd recommend it, if you're ready for a heroin love story), a good friend who worked on the film said that in the final scene, Heath Ledger's character was not meant to have a black eye and cut hand (which makes that scene a little more ambiguous than it might otherwise have been). He injured himself during the shower scene (once you see it, you'll know which one I meant) and they were on a tight budget and schedule and there was no way of covering it. Indeed, if you look carefully, a few other scenes also sport a Heath with a shiner (though generally from a distance).