Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Real atheism requires Jesus

From this point [the incarnation] on, true, deliberate atheism becomes possible for the very first time, since, prior to this, without a genuine concept of God, there could be no true atheism.

- Hans Urs von Balthasar, Love Alone is Credible, 92.

Atheism is always relative to the god(s) it denies. Christianity is the purest atheism - or almost so. Atheism but for one. And so the truest, most deliberate atheism is only possible once the name of Father, Son, Spirit is revealed in Christ.


Drew said...

Yes, it was this level of thought that was lacking in discussion with Michel Onfray at the Sydney Writers' Festival.

Onfray mentioned a priest who was an atheist, and everybody laughed...

Anonymous said...

Yes, and as Christians we cannot shy away from confessing our atheism. It is intrinsic to our faith. Just as "forsaking all others" is intrinsic to the act of marriage. It would be interesting to think more about what this entails...

J. K. Jones said...

Interesting assessment. I always thought that Christianity was necessary for atheism because logic can not be substantiated by atheism. The atheist has no argument.

Oliver said...

Atheism has nothing to do with religion. Atheism is complete lack of religion.

Oliver said...

J.K Jones:

It is in contrast religion that has no argument, or more clearly only empty ignorant arguments picked from the sky without any backing.
Atheism is: relying on real, testable, proovable evidence for real phenomenas and the refuse for BELIEVING in anything picked out of nowhere that we cannot know, such as God, Ferries or the Spaghetti Monster.
Do your studies about what atheism is actually about.

byron smith said...

What do you have against ferries? I believe in them.

More seriously, everyone has beliefs (yes, even atheists), and most people try to relate their beliefs to what they know and experience of reality, which is why no one seriously believes in a flying spaghetti monster.

But perhaps there is more to this talk of God than empty arguments picked from the sky. Are you able to understand and explain why thinking Christians believe what they do? This is something worth attempting for any position you care enough about to strongly disagree with. Talk to those who take it seriously and find out why they do so. What is it that makes this understanding of the world tick? Simply to write off billions of people, many of them highly intelligent, as working entirely without reason is a claim of staggering presumption.