Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil

After my recent post, have a look at this article on greed.


nico said...

"They'd be better off spending a few hours sitting in a church."
Amen! We don't have a credit card. It makes things logistically inconvenient at , but it sure helps stop us from spending money we don't have on things we don't need...

nico said...

times, at times.

Matheson said...

People make more money when money goes through hands faster; the more transactions the more profit. So it's all about the velocity of capital. And this is what credit facilitates. Credit makes the capitalist merry go round faster.

And this is why Catherine's article is subversive, even heretical from an economist's point of view.

As you intimate, Byron, the Christian gospel is also a subversion of the capitalist illusion. Why then are we Christians afraid to present the gospel as anti-capitalist? (Does it have something to do with the fact that Protestantism has been the soil in which modern capitalism has blossomed?)