A great piece in the SMH by Elizabeth Farrally a little while back on the meaning of disgust and how we are often disgusted at the wrong things.
H/T Virginia.
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
A great piece in the SMH by Elizabeth Farrally a little while back on the meaning of disgust and how we are often disgusted at the wrong things.
H/T Virginia.
byron smith
12:01 am
Topics: disgust, Elizabeth Farrally
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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thanks byron.
Heard a story of a churchgoer recently who couldn't handle the communion service because it associated the bread with a dead body/seemed to be cannablism.
How do you think the 'just learn to accept decay' solution is related to christian eschatology?
Well, Christ is risen, so we're not eating a dead body.
Decay and eschatology - obviously, Romans 8 is important (liberation from bondage to decay). This isn't to remove the significance of decay as a sign and cause of groaning, but the artificial replacement of decay with plastic food and plastic bodies and plastic lives could be read as a false eschatology that in refusing death also refuses resurrection. Same story with the communion really - if we refuse to participate in the death of Jesus, we have no part in his resurrection either.
The resemblance to the levitical codes is interesting too, with its taboos and aversion of death.
Perhaps we should treat this modern death-avoidance as just as religious and syncretistic (for christians) as pagan sacrifice.
Farrally's next column is crap.
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