A riddle
We have six arms, can swallow a farm, and a million of us can make a man.
Who are we?
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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Good guess, though incorrect. Six arms: check (well, legs). Swallow farms: check (though perhaps locusts might be a better answer here). But a million making a man?
I was going to say, a million monkeys engaged in evolving rather than writing Hamlet. But six arms is a problem.
Unless the monkeys are mostly armless...
Boom tish. Nice riddle. I'd try harder, but hey, there's no points ;-)
I give up, what has six arms, can swallow a farm, and a million of them can make a man?
Patience, Josh, it's only been up a couple of hours.
Anthony - so mercenary.
I was going for locusts but you seem to have dismissed that in advance. I'm tempted to think of Frank'n'furter, "in just seven days I can make you a man" but that's way off topic.
I think you are talking about a river.
Keep guessing. No one's got it yet. Or exercise patience and wait for someone else to get it.
This does have some relevance for an upcoming post.
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