A Shepherd Loses a Sheep
1 week ago
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
byron smith
2:11 pm
Topics: environment, fun, humour, oil, polar bears, self-destruction, videos
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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Hi Byron. While this comment is not directly linked to your post; I watched an interesting documentary about a landowner in Scotland who wanted to set up a sanctuary. In it he was planning to release Moose, bears and wolves. Interestingly I didn't know that Scotland had been home to the Moose and Bear... and that the wolves had been virtually exterminated.
His main problem was in wanting to fence it off, with the open lands policy...
Sounds interesting - do you remember the name of the doco? It does highlight the fact that wherever we have gone, after departing Africa, humanity has displaced, exterminated, domesticated or radically reduced almost all forms of megafauna throughout the world.
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