Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is it still wasting time...

...on the internet if you're sick and 'relaxing' in order to get well?
Some silly & serious links for those short on internet material
Boxlogies continues some fine insights, criticisms and suggestions about Middle East politics.
• The new CASE magazine came out this week. Had a couple of great reviews...
Chris fails to self-censor, tries to offend Lutherans and ends up tango uniform. On a less frivolous note, I'm looking forward to the rest of his series on The use of Scripture in Christian Zionism.
• R.I.P. Pluto, unless Rick Warren gets his way... (H/t Alastair and Ben).
• Speaking of Alastair, here's his thoughts on why non-conformist evangelicals often don't like Anglicans (warning: written with the zeal of a convert).
• And speaking of Ben, don't forget that his thoroughly stimulating Theology for Beginners series continues (he's up to #9).
• Phillip Adams has an interesting take on Australian politics, and recognises along the way that neither side of politics has a monopoly on Christianity. I tried to make a similar point back here and generated my highest ever number of responses.


Anonymous said...

In this day and age of political correctness, isn't the term "dwarf planet" inappropriate? :-)

I propose that we use either of the following terms instead of "dwarf planet":
a) diminuitive but no less talented planet
b) small and cuddly planet