Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eight years

Back in 2000, Sydney was gearing up for the Olympics, I was still studying philosophy, we'd all stopped worrying about Y2K (and those who cared were instead dealing with the dot com bubble bursting), the US was trying to decide between Gore and Bush (who had defeated McCain, amongst others, in the primaries), eventually needing some help from the Supreme Court, UK lorry drivers engaged in a series of crippling fuel protests over soaring oil prices (which had hit the outrageous sum of US$30), world population had just passed the 6 billion mark (we're now at over 6.7 billion) and on a sunny June day in Waverley a young couple were married.

Happy anniversary, Jessica!


Anthony Douglas said...

And a fine day it was!

(Jude and I just marked 5000 days since we met at Changeover!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Byron and Jessica.

Hmmmmm I can see you both now celebrating your 10th anniversary having a romantic dinner of haggis.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and stop focussing so much on the world situation! There's plenty of time for that on the Phd! ;-) I wouldn't have encouraged an 'oil war' in the other thread if I'd known today was a special day.

Good stuff Byron — although while focussing on the world scene you forgot to mention that you personally went through the challenges of finishing a Theology degree, starting a busy ministry, keeping your marriage together and battling cancer!

Andrew Paterson said...

And may there be many more anniversaries for you both!

Before college I worked on the legal ramifications of Y2K at a law firm in the city - wow, memories eh.

byron smith said...

Anthony - trust you to be looking for a milestone like that! (= I wish I'd thought of it myself)

Craig - !

Dave - Thanks! My post was more about what was happening in 2000, rather than what has happened since 2000.

Andrew - I didn't know that. How long were you working on that project?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there at the beginning, but you two are great, and certainly an inspiration to my marriage. Congratulations. mike

Emma said...

hey lovely people,
nice work on so many years of nice marriage and of living in the same place!
May God bless you two richly as you transport yourselves elsewhere!
love em and jon

corn chowder said...


One of Freedom said...


Mark Stevens said...

All the best Byron and Jessica! I trust that you celebrated in a nice carbon neutral way ;-) Well done on seven years.

Justin said...

V. cool.

Laurel and I were married one month apart, Byron.

2000 = easy to remember how many years you've been married.

May God give you many more years...

Justin said...

Laurel and I were married one month apart, Byron.

Let me clarify -- Laurel and I were married one month ahead of you and Jessica...

That will make more sense....