If you hadn't already worked it out, I am away for a couple of weeks on holidays. Posting will resume in another week or two.
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
If you hadn't already worked it out, I am away for a couple of weeks on holidays. Posting will resume in another week or two.
byron smith
10:21 pm
Topics: blogging
The Australian Government is considering introducing a charter of rights. While it may initially sound like a great idea, on further reflection, I have more than a few reservations. Some of them are expressed by former NSW premier Bob Carr in this SMH article. And some others are expressed (at greater length) by Andrew Cameron in this excellent submission to the Freedom of Religion and Belief Project earlier this year. Although the latter is primarily in relation to religious freedoms and potential anti-vilification laws, many of the principles also apply in relation to a possible charter of rights.
byron smith
1:08 am
Topics: Andrew Cameron, Australia, Australian politics, Bob Carr, freedom, other religions, politics, rights
When people see the lives of Christians, is this what they assume Jesus was probably saying?
Friedrich Nietzsche said, "I might believe in the Redeemer if his followers looked more redeemed."
Jesus said, "By this will everyone know that you are my disciples: if you love one another."
H/T Chris.
byron smith
5:04 pm
Topics: Friedrich Nietzsche, humour, Jesus, John, judgemental, videos
"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world."
byron smith
2:46 pm
Topics: Barack Obama, Islam, loving enemies, politics
In another CPX vodcast, John Dickson talks with philosopher Michael Ruse about Dawkins' intellectual shortcuts. H/T Dave.
This discussion is not simply about Dawkins but is a reminder to all of us to treat our intellectual opponents with respect. It is quite safe to assume that not everyone is an idiot, and that most intellectual positions that have been held for some time by some number of people will have some measure of coherence and attractiveness to them. Searching for that coherence and attraction is at once a winsome conversational strategy and a basic requirement of Christian love for one's enemies.
byron smith
3:48 pm
Topics: atheism, CPX, John Dickson, Michael Ruse, Richard Dawkins, videos
Having spent many years disparaging blogs and those who read and write them, my old minister Andrew Katay has repented and started one of his own. It is on church leadership and ministry and is called Gold, Silver, Precious Stones?, a reference to 1 Corinthians 3.12:
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw - the work of each builder will become visible, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each has done. If what has been built on the foundation survives, the builder will receive a reward. If the work is burned up, the builder will suffer loss; the builder will be saved, but only as through fire.
- 1 Corinthians 3.11-15
Paul is here speaking about his apostolic work of building Christian communities and the judgement that "builders" like him will face on the basis of their work and hence of the importance of taking care how we build.
byron smith
12:42 pm
Topics: 1 Corinthians, Andrew Katay, church
How many people have heard the good news about Jesus and think it goes something like this? How many Christians have tried to explain it and ended up saying this?
byron smith
3:38 pm
Topics: God's love, gospel, hell, humour, Jesus, some grey bloke, videos
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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