One Movie Meme
1. One movie that made you laugh
Coffee and Cigarettes
2. One movie that made you cry
Dancer in the Dark
3. One movie you loved when you were a child
Mønti Pythøn ik den Høli Gräilen
4. One movie you’ve seen more than once
The Return of the King
5. One movie you hated
6. One movie that scared you
The Birds
7. One movie that bored you
Inland Empire - the most fascinating and compelling three hours of tedium I've ever seen. I love/hate Lynch.
8. One movie that made you happy
9. One movie that made you miserable
Nobody Knows
10. One movie you weren’t brave enough to see
My Best Friend's Wedding
11. One movie character you’ve fallen in love with
Jim Curring (the cop) from Magnolia
12. A movie that surprised you
13. The last movie you saw
Black Sheep
14. The next movie you hope to see
Babette's Feast
15. Now tag five people:
Benjamin, Mark, Dave, Jason and anyone else who feels like it.
You had a particular affinity for a foreign language version of the Holy Grail when you were a child?
Byron, I always knew you were a prodigy, but that's could do a Monty Python joke about this...
(Yes, I know, but I can stir, can't I?)
You had a particular affinity for a foreign language version of the Holy Grail when you were a child?
As I'm sure you'll recall, it's the official title of the film, as presenting in (one of) the opening sequence(s).
The childhood one was a tough choice for me. Either Star Wars and Life of Brian. In so many different ways each film spoke to me and formed who I am today. That explains a lot actually!
Anthony: a refresher.
OK, I confess: I'd forgotten, but checked before I posted the original comment (I wouldn't want to go off half-cocked against you!). Hence the parenthetical last line.
I still reckon it's funny you went with the subtitle, though.
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