Thursday, June 22, 2006

Barneys and bulldozers

Here is the latest on the future of the burned out Barneys.

For those too lazy to follow the link, here's the relevant quote from the Barneys media spokesperson: There are no plans to demolish what remains of the church at this stage. What has been discussed is the safety of the building.

Notice what is not said. This is no promise to not bulldoze, but simply saying that it hasn't been decided yet. There are not "at this stage" any plans, because "what has been discussed" remains the more immediate issue of public safety.

I'm sure there are many more stakeholders to have their $0.02 worth before we see a definite outcome.


Drew said...

What a strange article! It makes it seem as if 'the community' are breaking down the doors at St Andrew's House to try and get them to leave those few poor remains as they are.

byron smith said...

That's how 'the community' often likes to imagine the church: old, quaint and hollow.

michael jensen said...

It is far worse here in the UK: there is a real passion to keep the C of E as it is because it is nice to know it's there even if - especially if - you don't go to any services...


byron smith said...

Ah, but at least there is not the same extent of post-colonial hyper-identity crisis that means any building over 20 years old has a heritage order on it. Even burned out shells... It's a little like not being allowed to bury the body of a celebrity...