Drifting to Deeper Waters
5 days ago
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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Yes: heroism is a Greek ideal, not a Christian one...(perhaps)...
I thought the Christ-like ideal she had in view was a little 20th C existentialist, though...reminded me of Camus.
I went over to SMH and searched for Superman -which to choose: "How gay is Superman?" or "Is Superman the new Messiah?"... interesting contrasting ideologies that people see represented in the film... Last week there was an indepth look at the Christological imagery over at MarsHillChurch.org...
MPJ: I'd love to hear more thoughts on the heroic ideal.
Jon: Surely the external red undies make any straightforward ascription of sexual identity problematic. That his mid-west mom thought it appropriate to make him a suit like that might also raise questions about her own fashion insights. It's the sort of costume only worn by those impervious to the bullets of haute couture. And the leather boots...
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