Did you know? Wright trivia
Some things I bet you didn't know about Tom Wright.
H/T Psychodougie (originally from here).
of doom, gloom and empty tombs
Some things I bet you didn't know about Tom Wright.
H/T Psychodougie (originally from here).
byron smith
6:36 am
Topics: N. T. Wright, Psychodougie
All photos and text by Byron Smith, unless noted otherwise.
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That's fantastic! I'm very glad you linked to it :)
Huh? This must be a Sydney Anglican joke??? It still doesn't help me decide on Wright v Barth!
Mark: It's not a SydAng thing particularly, just a bit of random surrealism (if you check the original location). As for your issue - that's easy. Although if you prefer to be more specific. Of course, it all depends...
Yep that pretty much sums up the way I feel theologically at the moment! Mini Barth and Mini Tom going head to head in my mind! I often find myself oscillating between Barth and Wright. Some mornings I wake up feeling decidedly Barthian and other days passionately Wrightian ;-)
If it helps, this blog is 18/13 for Barth (though 28 for Augustine and 27 for Moltmann and 20 for Rowan Williams and 20 for O'Donovan).
I guess that doesn't necessarily help...
Is Wright a Protestant? Is the Pope Catholic? (I guess we'll find out when the next one is announced any day now...)
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