Pics and points
Photo phun
Ever since Matheson spurred me on to more picture games after this first one, I've been offering points to readers who can guess the locations (or some other feature) of various photos I've taken and posted.
One guess per post per person per day please.
And here's the present leader board:
668: AnthonyYou too could share the glory of joining these illustrious individuals: get guessing! With about 365 points still on offer, there's plenty of opportunity to score big. For the sake of those who feel they've missed out or been too slow, I've gathered links to all the points still unclaimed.
608: Matthew Moffitt
215: Jonathan
210: Peter J
176: Michael Canaris
147: Martin Kemp
119: H. Goldsmith
117: Andrew
68: Rachel
64: Linden, Matt Lemieux
58: Drew
55: -bw
53: JRS
52: Hecta
50: Meredith
45: Mister Tim
43: Matheson
42: Mandy, Michael Wells
40: Annette
35: Michael Jensen
33: jm
32: Nico (Zeekstar), One of Freedom
31: Lachlan B
30: Christopher
29: Poncho
26: Donna, One Salient Oversight
25: Dan, Stevie T
23: Aric Clark
22: Mark
21: Ali
20: AndrewE, Hugh, Steve
19: psychodougie
18: GeoffC
16: Dave Saxey, Emergent Pilgrim
15: Chris, David Ould, Jenny, Stuart, uptothehouse, Vaughn Smith
14: Joshua
13: Andrew Paterson, John P
12: Duncan Andrews
11: Doug Forbes, James, Sair
10: Carlie, Chris Tilling, David Entwistle, Duncan Lin, Jason Hesiak, Thuloid
8: Adrian
7: Tim R
6: Chris Terrynelson
5: Emma, Nicole, Tiger
4: Erin King
3: Cecily, Honoria
2: Joanna, Lara, Persephone
1: Sue, Joel Hunter
For twenty points, pick the book (up), building,* best new sign, book,* book,* most recent relevant comment,* church,* IP address, building,* best image, object,* actual title,* river,* person.*
For fifteen points, pick the location,* location,* location of the camera,* Sydney location,* Sydney location, building,* building,* location,* best church sign, Sydney building,* suburb,* artist,* location,* body of water,* location of camera,* building,* location,* English town,* natural formation,* location,* three locations,* city,* city, Sydney suburb,* cathedral,* building,* last comment,* other mountain picture,* object off camera,* most creative title, region,* museum,* link to democracy,* novel,* standing stones,* whaling station,* cathedral,* location of painting.*
For twelve points, pick the volume, Scottish location,* Sydney location,* building,* reason,* author,* author,* ceremony,* Sydney building,* city,* building,* direction of camera,* Sydney location,* Sydney suburb,* building,* outside of this building, Sydney bridge,* Sydney suburb,* Sydney suburb,* reason,* city,* location,* location,* English location,* artwork,* reason, reason,* reason,* city, cathedral,* English town,* location,* most creative guess for off-camera object, similar photo,* country,* country,* country,* location of the camera,* leader,* leader,* city,* city,* history of sculpture,* country.*
For ten points, pick the city,* Sydney location,* bay,* region,* 3D image,* blogger,* building,* city,* mystery object,* full image,* Sydney church building,* book, location,* building,* city,* similar photo,* building, location,* cathedral,* title, country,* water location I,* water location II,* Sydney suburb,* country,* players,* game,* artist,* location,* building,* statue,* city,* most creative theory, structure,* ancient book,* biblical passage,* theme,* Sydney suburb,* town,* famous stone,* country,* country,* museum,* location,* structure,* person,* artist & title,* person,* city,*, artist,* location of the camera,* author* (see comments), artist,* city,* country,* city,* city,* city,* city,* location,* artist,* title,* location,* city,* country,* town,* city,* country,* country,* city,* country,* town,* location of the camera,* city,* Sydney church,* country,* location of the camera,* Sydney landmarks,* location of the camera,* artist,* Sydney location* or city.*
For eight points, pick the country,* chapter reference,* country,* reference,* country,* first picture,* building,* author,* conversation,* building,* English city,* city,* building,* building,* city,* Sydney church,* name and reason,* church,* title,* natural rock formation,* Sydney beach, country,* country,* country,* European city,* flag,* body of water,* winner,* town,* link,* English abbey,* rank,* winner,* psalm,* country,* building,* Sydney suburb,* other graveyards,* other shot of same object,* image doctoring,* special day,* artist,* city,* country,* country,* artist,* Barneys service.
And five points if you can pick the democratic institution,* comment, department,* country,* other cave pictures, city,* similar photo, city,* city,* artist,* location,* victim,* building,* state,* other images of beautiful mountains, building,* building,* statue, translation,* passage,* reason for red square,* differences,* activity,* species,* country,* location of the camera,* similar photo,* location of the camera,* previous shot from same spot,* city,* artist,* sculpture,* originally intended location,* city,* location of the camera,* similar photo* or the location of the camera.*
*Claimed since I first posted this.
Apologies if I've missed your points, please remind me.
And of course, ten points for both the name of the artwork above and for the gallery in which the photo was taken. Bonus points for creative guesses.
ooh.. I think I know one
is the second one in the list Rob somewhere in SPAIN?
and is the Sydney church St Stephen's Newtown?
and is the photo of Sydney from th erooftop of your place in Camperdown?
Sydney landmarks - are you serious??!!
ok... so how many points am I on now?
ok last one I promise...
is the second last "location of the camera" Mrs Macquaire's Chair?
Stevie T: ok, let's take these one at a time...
Yes, the second one in the list is indeed in Spain. Ten points.
The Sydney church is not St Stephen's Newtown. Sorry. Good try.
The photo of Sydney is indeed from my rooftop. Ten more points.
Sydney landmarks. Yes, I am serious.
How many points: you're up to 30 and have hit the lead!
The second last location of the camera was from Mrs (Lady) Macquarie's Chair, bringing you up to 35 points.
Though a plea for future guesses - it is easier for everyone if you just follow the link back to the photo and put your guess in the comments there. I will get it as an email and will be able to respond.
PS which Stevie T are you? Steve Toulmin?
Oops - I can't count. Sorry. You're only on 25 and share the lead with jm.
The Sydney Church:
Given the shape of the building and texture of the material I'm going to guess and say St Thomas' Nth Syd.
Although...that rose window looks awfully Roman Catholic.
Sorry Byron, new to the blogging world. Thompson not Toulmin.
Steve - no problem, just never heard you called 'Stevie'...
How did you guess the Spain pic? I thought that was one of the hardest.
Originally intended location!! Classic! 'From the front'!
Oops. Should claim this as mine.
Originally intended location!! Classic! 'From the front'!
Linden, which one are you answering for? Do you mean the originally intended location of this statue of David? If so, I was looking for the originally intended location of the statue, not the viewer. And a hint - the viewer would not have been right in front!
In front of the entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio, on the Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
However, the original intended location of the photographer is much more amusing.
Also, having grown up in Queensland, I've always the best location was in the middle of Raptis Plaza Shopping Mall on Surfers Paradise (where a massive replica now stands - tacky!).
I'll pay ten points for that! (Five for the actual location of the statue, and five for the 'best' location). Although I didn't ask for its present location, yet since this photo is of a copy of the original (which stands in the Galeria dell'Academia in Firenze), then its actual present location is also its intended location.
But I will still give five points for the originally intended location of Michaelangelo's original sculpture (which was not in an art gallery).
Got me interested...
Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral!
Apparently along with 12 other OT Characters...
Linden - well done, five points. More commonly known in Firenze simply as the Duomo (='house', not 'dome'). Though I think it was with eleven other OT characters... :-)
is the discus thrower in the British Museum?
is the city skyline shot from End of Grace I from the top of your block of flats?
can I have multiple guesses? if so I would also guess
the top of Broadway Shopping Centre or Arundle House.
Pete - yes, ten points for the discus thrower. And even though Stevie T already claimed the points for end of grace, I'll give you another ten for that as well, because you obviously hadn't seen his answer, given your uncertainty - it is indeed from our roof.
Looks like you've got the hang of it now, but it's easier for me and others if you make the guesses in the comments to the post where the points were offered. That way, people can see what has already been guessed and claimed.
Thanks. I'm just figuring out how this works. I'm excited about being on 20 points. I'm working on the double one-way sign. I'm thinking of combing the street directory for possible locations.
The goal is to get to the top and stay there.
Sorry Pete - it's already claimed. Check the comments on the post. Sorry - I hadn't put the asterix on to say so. Those links with an asterix have been claimed.
100 points by the end of tomorrow. Here we go!
I'll wait for some people to catch up. It is fun to be an internet super-sleuth.
I've just realised that for at least one of the unclaimed points, I give the answer away in the comments...
How to find an artwork online by description only???!
Well, I'm giving up. Clearly, there's a gun involved - so it must be from a gallery/museum in New York. With the 20th century influence on the painting within, it must be modern.
Hence, is it MOMA?
Yes, Google doesn't help you much there (yet - I'm sure they'll develop an image search with fuzzy logic and pattern recognition one day). Nice guess (gun = NYC), though incorrect. Remember, there are potential points for creative guesses. It does have a great title though. I thought many more people might have had a go at the title.
Oh, well, if we're going to have some fun, how about
"Still Life (But Only Just) With Artist and Critic"?
What's more important is pulling ahead of Marty before he comes out here for mission...
OK, I'll give you five points for that effort. Though when does an artist get to control the response of a critic so thoroughly?
As a hint, the original title is only two words and makes perfect sense when you think about it.
Thanks. I don't suppose the two words can include an ampersand, can they? I'd be pleased if it was 'Point & Shoot', 'Paint & Shoot', or some similar variation.
No ampersand. Just an adjective modifying a noun.
I don't think this qualifies as an adjective-noun construction (though I'm not sure how I'd classify it), but it came to me this morning:
"Art Appreciation"
And while I'm attempting serious guesses, what about the Tate Gallery?
Sorry for missing this one again. Not the Tate. Though I'll give you another five for "Art Appreciation". You're getting a little closer, actually (though neither of these words are correct).
I was looking through the Guggenheim's collection, and found a title that suits all criteria: Great Painting. Sadly, it wasn't yours, and I think I can rule out the G. So I'll have another guess at where, and go for the Louvre (hey, he looks French).
Not the Louvre, though I'm guessing that you guessed that in order to not have to look through their collection!
While we're eliminating the major art galleries of the world, I'd be remiss not to check: the Sir Hermann Black Gallery, of Wentworth Building fame?
Close, but no.
I've just realized that your head is reflected in this picture.
Yep, that's me.
Had another idea for a suitable title: 'Critical Acclaim'.
And, if one guess in 18 months isn't too much trouble, how about the Art Gallery of NSW? I'm sure you've been there!
Nice idea. You're on the right track, though need to think more about the relationship of the two figures.
Not in Oz.
Seeing as outstanding points are low, I thought I'd check what's left. 271 points by my count, though I made no effort to multiple-count those points where it's 'find another picture of x'. If that's useful!
Thanks - I've tried to keep the running total accurate, though can't totally guarantee it (and couldn't be bothered checking right now). I did count the multiple possibilities multiple times (which makes things difficult, since some of them could potentially be growing if I post another picture of x without remembering).
Never one to give up...I'm shooting for the exhibition at the Strasbourg Museum, c. 2004. They did a big exhibition of Topor's illustrations.
Try as I might, though, I can't find a title for this pic anywhere.
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